MC Consult LLC
Biofuel & Hydrogen Transportation
During 2007 through 2016, there was significant interest in expanding the volume of biofuels in the market. Economical delivery of high volumes of fuel from producers to market required pipeline transportation and storage. There was significant concern about the cracking of steel exposed to ethanol. Gap analysis of integrity issues associated with pipeline transportation of ethanol and biodiesel. Assembled diverse stakeholders involved in biofuel transportation through pipelines, including biofuel producers, pipeline companies, regulator, and researchers to identify materials integrity concerns and approaches to address them. The results of the gap analysis led to several government research solicitations in these areas.
Currently, there is significant interest in transporting hydrogen and hydrogen-natural gas blends in pipelines due to the anticipated increase in hydrogen production from excess renewable energy. Integrity of steel and other materials in the pipeline and related equipment is of concern. Gap analysis and road mapping was performed.
Failure of a Sub-sea Oil & Gas Component
The failure of a production tubing connection investigated and expert report on the failure cause was provided. This required significant investigative work as the failure mechanism was hitherto unknown.
Corrosion Monitoring Assessment
There is a need to assess appropriate technique for monitoring the integrity of tanks storing radioactive wastes. A systematic assessment of the various corrosion monitoring methods and the gaps in the understanding of these methods was conducted.
Corrosion modeling
Although coal fired power plants are anticipated to decrease in number and output, they will continue to be part of the electricity mix for the foreseeable future. Flue gas desulfurization and other effluent treatment facilities must be reliable for effective environmental management. These environments consist of a complex mixture of chlorides, sulfuric acid, fluorides, and various cationic species. Supported by EPRI, a comprehensive model of the corrosion behavior of various alloys was developed